general medicine elog
General medicine elog Hi , I am G.M Sai Bhuvanesh,3rd semester student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. PATIENT HISTORY: Pt is a 29 yr old male working in a jewelry making shop. At the age of 7yrs, he underwent an operation for inguinal scrotal hernia. Since childhood he suffers from gastric problems. When in class 3-4, tooth extraction done due to dental caries. Pt at that time loved to eat sweets and chocolates. At the age of 11 yrs, in 2006, went to kerala to work in a jewelry making shop. His gastric problems increased (suspected etiology new kind of food, used to eat spicy foods, work very late night). He felt bloated, tenesmus, hard stool(3-4 times/day), constipation, flatulence, abd. pain. Occasionally, few drops of raw blood used to come out with stool (2-3 days continuously, then again with a gap of 1-3 months). Had medicine from a local pharmacy, w